
Holy Week

This week’s guest post is by Matt Dampier, Associate Rector. Dear Christ Church, We turn to the most momentous week in our church calendar beginning this Sunday as we journey through ‘real time’ with Jesus in the final week of his earthly life. As much as you’re able, slow down this week and live each

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The Calling Lab

This week’s guest post is by Fr. Bill Walker, Director of Vocation. Hello Christ Church! As the Director of Vocation for these past three years at Christ Church, I have had the privilege of getting to lead a number of initiatives and programs that are intended to help everyone at Christ Church better 1) understand vocation from

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Stepping In

Dear Christ Church, Naturally, when we are new to something, or some place, we are like tourists that take in the beauty, observe the culture, and appreciate its community life from a distance. Some of you might have recently been … Read More The post Stepping In appeared first on Christ Church of Austin.

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The Season of Lent

This week’s guest post is by Wes Crawford, Worship Pastor Dear Christ Church, “Unfortunately some Christians live as though the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ never happened. Our lives become absorbed in the day-to-day experiences of life…. We too easily forget our Maker and Redeemer, replacing God with things and ambition. Lent is the

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Shalom is the Last Word

Dear Christ Church, While I have you, two quick reminders! This Sunday night we have our Annual Parish Meeting online at 7:30pm (you don’t want to miss it!), and go here to see how the Austin Marathon affects your route to church this Sunday. Every Sunday “shalom” gets the last word. The service concludes with

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Whole Hearts

Dear Christ Church, My first brush with burnout was in my twenties when I was a full-time grad student at the University of Texas, while also spending 25 hours a week in volunteer ministry at my church. Christine and I were seeing much fruit, leading small groups, raising up new leaders, multiplying and coaching groups,

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