Core Values
Our mission is to build a community of fully devoted followers of Christ with a heart for Austin and the world, to the Glory of God.
To that end, Christ Church places a high value on the following:
Intentional Worship
We express our dependence on and devotion to God together through weekly worship that is historic and contemporary, passionate and reverent. We are sacramental in that we approach all of our ordinary and everyday life as sacred, holy unto the Lord, just as the ordinary elements of bread and wine at the Lord’s Table bring us into His real presence.
By God’s grace we are becoming a community of real people in real relationship, learning to love one another, celebrate together and bless our world through hospitality, witness and service. We value the diversity of backgrounds, gifts, cultures, and generations in the family of God.
Whole Life Discipleship
By God’s grace and the power of the Holy Spirit we are being transformed into the image of Christ, learning to walk daily in God’s company and orient every arena of our lives around our King and His kingdom. Our vocation is to see all of life aligned for the praise of God’s glory and the for the sake of others.
Changed World
By God's gracious invitation we join His mission to restore all creation. From our neighborhoods to the ends of the earth, we participate in God's mission by communicating the good news of salvation through Jesus Christ, acting justly, loving mercy, and walking humbly with our God. Filled with God's empowering presence, we seek to faithfully love our neighbors through our vocation, location, proclamation, and demonstration.
Jesus gave everything for us, demonstrating God’s extravagant grace. We respond with sacrificial generosity by giving of our gifts, abilities, time, and money to God, His people, and His work. We open our arms, our hearts, and our homes with generous love.
By God’s grace we have been welcomed into the presence and kingdom of God. We likewise seek out newcomers, the lost or lonely, and those on the edges of our community to warmly welcome them into our homes, lives, and church community.
The City
Christ Church is called to the heart of Austin to love, learn, and serve in the city, and to proclaim the love of God in Christ. We encourage members to love our neighborhoods and to get involved locally. We want to understand and influence our urban context, which includes the vulnerable and marginalized, the arts, government, higher education, cultural diversity, entrepreneurship, business, and other cultural context.