Serve at Christ Church

One of the best ways to engage in the community of Christ Church is to join one of our volunteer teams. Those who join will be asked to serve one to two Sundays per month.

Altar Servers

Altar Server roles are reserved for the youth in the parish. There are two roles during the Sunday service: Acolyte and Crucifer.

Acolyte (Must be between 13-16 years of age)
The Acolyte is responsible for lighting and extinguishing candles, carrying the cross for the Gospel reading, aiding the priest during Holy Communion, and counting the number of people who receive communion each week.  The rectors may also ask for your help during baptisms or any other time he needs an extra set of hands.

  • Serve 1 time per month
  • Arrive 20 minutes before the service to vest and have a moment of prayer with clergy
  • Your job is done when the service is over!
  • Training: One-time training session with Acolyte Master (Tommy Crawford) in advance of first time serving.

Crucifer (Must be between 10-14 years of age)
Crucifers carry the cross, processing 4 different times in worship (opening procession, Kids Quest procession, Doxology, and the closing procession) visually leading the parish in several significant moments in the liturgy.  Additionally, you will assist the Acolyte in counting communicants. You will be vested in robes and represent the parish in the service of worship and Eucharist.

  • Serve 1 time per month
  • Arrive 20 minutes before the service to vest and have a moment of prayer with clergy
  • Your job is done when the service is over!
  • Training: One-time training session with Acolyte Master (Tommy Crawford) in advance of first time serving.

Audio-Visual Team

Wes Crawford

The AV team helps us join in weekly worship together at Christ Church by operating the live stream and slideshow equipment during the services. There are two roles on the AV team: Tech Director and Slides Operator.

Tech Director
If you have some experience with camera operation you might be a good fit for our Tech Director role.  The Tech Director operates the video cameras, streaming software and relays picture in picture graphics, giving opportunity for people to join the service remotely. The Tech Director will also manage the video feed on the large TV in the courtyard.

  • Serve 1 to 2 times per month
  • Role requires to serve in both services (9am and 11am)
  • Arrive by 8:15 am for set up, conclude service by 1:00 pm
  • Training: Will need to arrange 2 Sunday shadowing opportunities with current operators.
  • 1 year commitment preferred.

Slides Operator
The slides operator is the steady hand that manages information on the projected screens, playing a key role in the congregation’s full participation in worship. The slides operator pays close attention to the sequence of liturgy and music, anticipating each slide’s movement for a smooth, intuitive experience.

  • Serve 1 time per month
  • Serve at either the 9 am or 11 am service
  • Arrive 30 minutes before the service to review the plan for the day, make final adjustments and coordinate with Tech Director on unique elements for the video feed
  • Your job is done when the service is done!
  • Training: Shadow one Sunday with Trainer prior to first date of serving
  • 6 month or 1 year commitment

Children's Ministry

Children's Ministry Email

Our discipleship ministry for elementary children is called “Kids’ Quest” and takes place during the 9am service. The Gospel Project is a rich curriculum and all the lessons and supplies are prepped for our volunteers who serve on a rotating basis with a co-leader.

  • Serve once a month
  • Arrive at 8:45 am
  • Training provided

Covering Prayer

The Christ Church Covering Prayer Team meets together on Sunday mornings to offer prayers of protection prior to and for each church service. In covering prayer, we are partnering with the Holy Spirit to contend for Spiritual protection for all CC ministers and their families, for all members and visitors, for prayer team members and those for whom they pray, and for CC’s ministry to Austin and the world.

  • Serve 1-2 times per month
  • Meet in the prayer chapel 15 minutes prior to each worship service.

Welcome Team

As part of the Hospitality Team you will be the first face and warmth of our community to people arriving to church on Sunday. We especially want to meet and give a warm welcome to visitors! There are a couple of different roles of the team each day including greeting, passing out bulletins and preparing a coffee station.

  • Serve once a month
  • Arrive 30 minutes prior to service to prepare coffee service and begin greetings
  • 6 or 12 month commitment
  • Training: Just show up! We’ll train you as you arrive and it’s easy to get started!


Ushers help make each Sunday worship service comfortable and accessible to guests and regular attendees of Christ Church by assisting the flow of people entering the worship space, collecting the offering, and inviting people to the Communion table.

  • Serve 1-2 times per month
  • Serve at the 9am or 11am service
  • Show up 15 minutes before the service begins to be sure we have a full team and discuss anything unique for the day.

1. Complete this form to let us know which team(s) you are interested in serving. Our Office Administrator will contact you regarding next steps


Teams typically have a 6 month to one year commitment expectation. Most teams will require serving 1-2 times a month.

Please contact for additional information.

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