Membership & Confirmation
Through Jesus Christ, Christians have been adopted as sons and daughters into God’s family (Romans 8:15–17) and are “fellow citizens with the saints and members of the household of God” (Ephesians 2:19). Like a family, we are members of one household where we learn together; we learn to follow Jesus together, worship together, care for each other, pray for each other, and serve together. We encourage all those who call Christ Church their church home to make a membership commitment to Christ Church.
The leadership of Christ Church seeks to love and care for its members faithfully, as well as lead and equip them for God’s service and glory. We believe that God wants to use Christ Church in the city of Austin as a people with lives transformed, changing our world, together for His glory. We rely on the members, however, to accomplish the work and ministry of the church. The call is challenging (Mark 8:34–35). The opposition is great (1 Peter 5.8). But Jesus stands with us (Matthew 28:20). We hope the Spirit draws you to partner with us, to follow God’s Spirit on mission with us in the Austin area, and to contribute all that you are and have as a member of this expression of Christ’s body!
The step toward membership at Christ Church is to attend Core Class, which is offered annually in the late fall. While attendance in this course is required for membership, it does not obligate you to become a member.
In Confirmation, Christians reaffirm and renew our baptismal vows and publicly affirm our faith in Jesus and our intention to live as his disciples and members of his church. Youth who were baptized as infants go through a program of catechesis to prepare them for Confirmation, and adults can be confirmed to be welcomed into the worldwide Anglican communion.
Christ Church usually holds a Confirmation service once a year under the leadership of our Bishop, Todd Hunter, or our Suffragan Bishop, Brian Wallace. Confirmation requires participation in one of our Anglicanism courses or in a Youth Confirmation Prep course, offered periodically.
If you have questions regarding confirmation or getting enrolled in one of our upcoming classes, please email

Bishop Todd Hunter