Julie Chewning

The Threshold

Dear Christ Church, “It may be that when we no longer know which way to go we have come to our real journey. The mind that is not baffled is not employed. The impeded stream is the one that sings.” These lines from a poem by Wendell Berry have recently spoken to me in this

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How do you look and art?

Dear Christ Church, How do you look at art? Are you looking for something, or at something, or through something? Does the art ever “look” at you, provoking an insight about yourself or the world? Katie Fox will help us with these questions. This afternoon at 5:30 we have a special event, exclusively for Christ Churchers,

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Living Waters

Today’s CliffNotes is written by Care Pastor Claire Ratliff and parishioner Katherine Ryan. Dear Christ Church,   This spring we will begin the 13th year offering Living Waters, a relational healing ministry. Through weekly worship, teaching, and confidential small group prayer over the course of a semester, Living Waters explores the roots of sexual and

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