How do you look and art?

Dear Christ Church,

How do you look at art? Are you looking for something, or at something, or through something? Does the art ever “look” at you, provoking an insight about yourself or the world? Katie Fox will help us with these questions.

This afternoon at 5:30 we have a special event, exclusively for Christ Churchers, a happy hour to meet the Christ Church artists who are exhibiting at East Austin Studio Tour (EAST) and preview their work before hundreds of Austinites come through our space over the next two weekends. Katie Fox, our Arts Ministry Leader, will give a talk on “How to Look at Art.”

Advent is a season marked by waiting for the coming of God, yearning between the times for the fullness of time when the kingdom of God comes and all things are renewed. As a way of engaging this season of Advent, and creating space for God to come to us, we are hosting an Advent Parish Quiet Day. We invite you to join us at Christ Church on Saturday, December 9th. We will open our sanctuary and property between 9 am and 12 pm and offer a quiet place to rest from the busy-ness of the season. Christine Warner will serve as Spiritual Director for the event, guiding some simple ways to help you engage God’s presence.

Our parish retreat was full of so much goodness! We have compiled a post-retreat “package” of resources, links, and pictures of the weekend for you to dip back into that special weekend. And if you were there for the “family portraits,” you’ll be excited to see how they turned out! Hannah and Leslie led us through an exercise related to friendship and intimacy in which random parishioners, sometimes even strangers to each other, posed together for a “family portrait.” You’ll also find some fun pictures of our staff, who worked so hard all weekend, having some post-retreat fun at the arcade! Lastly, all the talks are linked on that page, in case you were unable to join us, or want to revisit them.

Lastly, Wes Crawford contributed to a new album that was just released that I think you’d enjoy hearing. Listen here!



P.S. Mark your calendars, it’s back! Our annual Ceili and Men’s Chili Cookoff is Sunday, Dec 3 after the 11 am service. This is a “must-do” beloved event. Fire up the crockpots, men.

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