

Dear Christ Church, “Confession is discipleship.” This little sentence appears in one of my top ten books on the Christian life, Life Together by Dietrich Bonhoeffer. Every single one of us knows the weight of guilt, the heavy heart, or the dull sense of frustration with our failure to live up to our own ideals, the beauty, truth,

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Hodgepodge Friday!

Dear Christ Church, I’ve got a lot to tell you about this week, beginning with a reminder to arrive early this Sunday (if you normally attend the 11am service) for our Annual Parish Meeting at 10:30 am. And all you early birds who come to the 9am service, stick around afterwards as we share with you

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The Feast of St. Matthew

Dear Christ Church, Yesterday was the feast day of St. Matthew. As we move deeper into our year-long sermon series through his gospel, I wanted to share a few details about this beloved apostle: Prior to following Jesus, Matthew was a tax collector who would have been a social outcast both to his employers (Romans)

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The Gospel of Matthew

Dear Christ Church, Each of the four gospels, since the 2nd century, has been associated with a different winged creature: a lion (Mark), a calf (Luke), an eagle (John), and a human (Matthew). The wings allude to angelic qualities (angels are “messengers,” an apt description of a gospel writer) and the type of creature hints

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Abara Border Encounter

Brian Wallace will be consecrated as Suffragan Bishop this Saturday, at 9am Central. You can watch the Consecration service livestream here.  This week’s guest post is by Christ Church parishioner Ann Cushman, one of the members of our Missions Team. Dear Christ Church, When I attended my first Abara Border Encounter, a dormant seed deep down

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2023 Vestry Candidates

Dear Christ Church, I am pleased to announce our new Vestry candidates for 2023: Bryson Owen, Sarah Hadd, and Kyle Frazier. You can learn more about them below. Collectively, they represent many years servant-leadership in contexts such as small group leadership, Sunday services, Kids Quest, Mission Team, marriage preparation for engaged couples, and other forms

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