From Cindy working in Public Health and Education
At this point in my Christian faith journey, I feel called to service: to provide support to the church and in the community through volunteer activities; to serve my family by providing an example of Christ’s love and devotion and to be a friend; in my workplace to teach and mentor other staff who don’t have the experience that I do.
Rule of Life:
Pray and meditate at the beginning and end of my day
Stay mindful of my blessings and start each day with a grateful heart
Physical exercise 3-5 times per week
Pray before and after I speak with those I don’t fully understand and have compassion for them
Provide hospitality by giving of time, presence and talents
Be steadfast in my love for my family by blood or chosen
Serve in the places that God calls me to be whether in a church community or community group
— From the Theology of Work Project