FY2024 Pledge Drive

Dear Christ Church Family,

We are a generative and generous people.

 What exactly does “generative” mean? It’s not a word we use in everyday conversation. It means “having the power or function of bringing into existence, originating, producing, or reproducing.”

 Just as Christ gave everything to generate new life, our sacrificial generosity also produces new life. This is the economy of the kingdom of God, which leads to promises like “if you lose your life, you’ll save it.” We have witnessed many ways in which you do just that! You’ve stepped into a life of servanthood and generosity in our community to generate life and hope, from serving on ministry teams at Christ Church, to informal acts of care for one another, to financial stewardship, to your intercessions on behalf of each other and our world. Well done, Church!

The mission to which we are called is not just an inspiring idea; it’s a calling that requires concrete provision of time, talent, and treasure from the whole Body. You might be familiar with the biblical concept of giving a tithe (10%); it’s simply a guide, which some might not reach, but others can exceed.

As we approach the church’s new fiscal year, we invite you to pause and prayerfully consider how the Lord may be inviting you to participate in furthering the mission of our parish, and then communicate in the form of a pledge. 

Why do we do pledges? Because . . . (1) pledge season helps us say “these are my people, this is my place, I’m choosing to put down roots here”; (2) it helps us set intentions around money, to steward God’s gifts/resources with forethought;  (3) it is a discipleship moment, a communal act that invites us to offer up ourselves as a living sacrifice, and to let our hearts be shaped in Christlikeness (“for where your treasure is, there your heart will be also” Mt. 6:21); and (4) pledges serve a practical need in helping to guide the budgeting process. 

We invite you to let this annual pledge be an occasion for conversation and discernment with others, whether family       or friends. 

You will find a pledge card here and on Sunday morning. We invite you to fill out and/or bring this card on May 21st and place it on the Lord’s Table. This is a tangible response to God’s love as we behold His shining glory and celebrate His work in our lives. Wherever you are, as God provides, incremental annual increases are a tangible way to reach one’s goals to participate in a generous generative community. 

Many parishioners give through our digital platform, which is easy to set up and manage. We recommend the automatic draft option (ACH) as it incurs only 1% vendor fee, versus debit (2%) and credit (3%). We also continue to receive paper checks. Regardless of what option you choose, your donation is 100% tax deductible.  

We serve the God who “owns the cattle on a thousand hills,” a God who is characterized by a spirit of abundance, not scarcity, a God who calls us into a generative and generous life, for the sake of others, and the praise of His glory. 

Yours in Christ,                      

Cliff Warner+, Leslie Cameron (Senior Warden), Nate Bruce, Kyle Frazier, Sara Schultz, Hannah Wong, Sarah Hadd, and Bryson Owen

Pledge Card

In grateful thanksgiving to God for His redeeming love, I/we desire to share His gifts. After prayerful consideration, I/we intend to return a portion of God's provisions in the following manner.


*Your pledge is an expression of faith and not a legal obligation.

**Fiscal Year 2024 begins August of 2023

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