Pentecost: Ways to Experience Life in the Spirit

Dear Christ Church,


In this Pentecost-themed e-news, I want to point out three ways we experience life in the Spirit.


  1. Pentecost. Fifty days after Easter we celebrate the Spirit poured out upon the Church. Did you know our Faith & Arts leaders commissioned the artwork behind our Communion Table for Pentecost? You can read the artist statement here. The side panels represent our own journey, often winding, through the mountains and valleys of life. The center panel represents the Triune God as steel, wood, and wax flow together to form a complete panel. This Sunday, we’ll uniquely engage the triptych, each of us adding tongues of fire to the center steel panel. This act is an embodied prayer as we recall the Spirit’s work in our lives and prayer for a deeper filling.
  2. Tesoros Bellos: Being filled with the Spirit empowers us to live for the sake of others. Tesoros Bellos means “beautiful treasures” and refers to our partner organization Potter’s House Association in Guatemala. Potter’s House refers to those living in extreme poverty as “treasures.” This June 1st event is an artist showcase of songs, poetry readings, spoken word, and other artists displaying their works. Donations will be accepted which help to fund our Guatemala Mission Trip this year. A reception will follow the event.
  3. Anglican Way Class: Lastly, here is a final call to join the Anglican Way class. In addition to learning the rhythm and cadence of the Anglican spirituality, this class also functions as a prerequisite for confirmation. Confirmation is one of my favorite rites in the church where we pray for a fresh outpouring of the Holy Spirit on the individual, and commit to deeper discipleship with Jesus. It is an adult profession of faith, a line-in-the-sand moment. Bishop Brian will be with us on June 16 to celebrate confirmations.


May the Spirit of Christ fill you this day.



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