Pastoral Care
Bear one another's burdens, and so fulfill the law of Christ.
Galatians 6:2 (ESV)
It is no surprise that there is suffering, injustice, and a deep woundedness in humanity and the world. The good news is that, as Christians, we are not called to navigate these things alone. You may be in a season that invites the need for focused spiritual, physical, psychological or emotional care. Here you will find different ministries within our parish that create safe spaces in which to seek God’s healing. Jesus came that we might have life, and have it abundantly. We would be honored to seek this abundant life alongside you. Please see below to learn more about these ministries.

We support the following ministries at Christ Church:
The vision of Living Waters Ministry is to create a safe place where individuals and couples can work through the pain of their past, current problems, and burn-out situations, to begin on a path of healing. About once a year, Christ Church hosts a Living Waters session that meets weekly throughout the spring semester.
Stephen Ministry seeks to provide high-quality, one-on-one, Christ-centered care to people in the congregation who are in an acute season of grief or loss. Stephen ministers are trained to companion those who are hurting and are trained to sit, listen, and offer the compassion of Christ to those experiencing difficult circumstances such as the death of a spouse, loss of employment, or illness of a family member. If you are in a season of grief or loss and would like to learn more about this ministry, please contact
Healing Prayer
The Christ Church Healing Prayer Team offers confidential prayer to individuals seeking God’s healing of mind, body, soul, and spirit. We follow the Biblical model of ministering in pairs and rely on the leading of the Holy Spirit to pray. Prayer teams are available to pray in confidence during communion each Sunday worship service. Prayer sessions outside of worship services are scheduled upon request. You can contact to schedule time for prayer.
Confession by Appointment
Christ has delivered us from sin and death through his death and resurrection. The Scriptures also teach us to acknowledge our sins by confessing them, that we might free ourselves from small and large bondages that inhibit us from being more fully restored and healed. If you would like one-on-one time to process and confess with Fr. Matt or another member of Clergy, you can schedule an appointment by emailing
For further psychological and emotional care, counseling may be considered. If you would like more information about counseling, please contact