Serving the Unhoused
The center of our community life at 112 Medina worships alongside many neighbors experiencing homelessness. And while there could be much to say about the causes and complexities surrounding homelessness, our common vocation as a church community is defined by Jesus: “Love your neighbor as yourself.” Jesus goes even further to say that in loving our neighbor as ourselves, we’re actually loving our Lord in disguise. As we learn to walk alongside our neighbors experiencing homelessness, we come to understand more deeply our own brokenness and our absolute dependence upon God’s grace.
At Christ Church, there are a number of ways we are entering into friendship, relief and development work, and worshipping alongside our unhoused neighbors.
On most Sunday mornings, you will see housed and unhoused standing shoulder to shoulder to receive communion. This is a beautiful picture of the kingdom of God where we realize we are all beggars in need of God’s grace.
Some of our Partnering and Aspirational Organizations

Prayers for Those Experiencing Homelessness
One way we, as a church, believe we enter into community with the unhoused in our area is through prayer.
We encourage you to use the link below for prayers you can pray on behalf of the those experiencing homelessness.