We desire to see Christ's Kingdom come.
Where we don't find it, we contend for it.

The season of Lent invites us to stillness, quiet reflection, and focused attention to the Spirit’s work and our participation by way of repentance. We confess, lament, and turn away from the darkness that inhibits our devotion to God and love of neighbor. We turn towards the hope and conviction that God’s light brings renewal.  

Below are upcoming events and resources to help us engage with this season and contend for God’s renewing work in our lives and our world.

- Upcoming -
Lenten Events at Christ Church


Ash Wednesday

Two services will be held on Wednesday, March 5 at 12pm & 7pm. Join us as we begin Lent with the imposition of ashes as a sign of repentance and mortality. Childcare for ages 0–5 for the 12pm service is available with registration


Noonday Prayer

Every Wednesday during Lent, we invite you to join us for midday prayer.  Service with the Book of Common Prayer begins at 12:30pm, and the sanctuary opens at 12 noon for quiet contemplation and Taize music.


Parish Quiet Day

We invite you to join us on Saturday, March 29 at Christ Church from 9am - 12pm for a guided day of quiet reflection and prayer. We will provide some simple ways to help you engage God’s presence and rest in his comfort.

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Lenten 4-Week Monday School

In this 4-week class on local missions,  we will consider the simplicity (fasting) and generosity (almsgiving) of Christ as the means by which we honor his command to care for "the least of these." Meets at 7pm on March 10, 24, 31 and April 7. Register here.


Silent Retreat

Experience an opportunity to be led in communal silence and solitude as we begin Holy Week. Offered the weekend of April 11-13th on the beautiful grounds of Cedarbrake Retreat Center in Belton, TX. Space is limited. Register here.

God's Work in Us

Resources to inspire us, engage us, and slow us down.

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The Ruthless Elimination of Hurry
by John Mark Comer

Every Lent our parish is invited to read a book that collectively shapes our hearts and minds. The Ruthless Elimination of Hurry encourages us to slow down and prioritize what truly matters, mirroring Jesus's pace and ways of living. Limited qtys available for suggested donation on Sunday, March 2nd, or purchase anytime from your favorite bookseller. 

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Matthew 25 Initiative Lenten Devotional
+ a 40 Day Lenten Journey

M25i offers a Lenten Devotion as well as a 40-day email series highlighting the ministries of Anglicans serving the vulnerable and marginalized. These resources inspire us to care for the “least of these” through works of justice, mercy, and reconciliation.


Family Resources

These downloadable resources offer kid-friendly activities and conversation prompts to help families with children understand, experience and engage with the themes of Lent. For more practical family-oriented ideas and activities go to the ACNA Lent Resource webpage

God's Work in the World

A few ways we can consider participating locally and globally.

more than welcome

More Than Welcome

More than Welcome is an Austin nonprofit organization that supports refugees and asylum seekers in the Central Texas area. As one of the few Austin organizations currently operating in refugee services we encourage you to explore volunteer opportunities.


Baptist Community Center Mission

There are many volunteer opportunities just down the street. We encourage you to consider volunteering in the Backpack Feeding Program, providing weekend food for Austin children experiencing food insecurity. To explore volunteer opportunities with the BCCM please email the address below.


The Anglican Relief & Development Fund

Strengthening communities by coming alongside local churches through relief, funding, and partnership. Explore ways you can support their mission.

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Giving Opportunities

During Lent, we hope you will consider giving as a thankful response to Christ's generosity toward us. Every year we offer giving options for your consideration. This year, we will have a giving option available during our noonday prayer services every Wednesday of Lent. We are also accepting canned good donations for the Baptist Community Center Mission. Please visit the options below for more information.


more than welcome


Food Drive

more than welcome



Almighty God, whose blessed Son was led by the Spirit to be tempted by Satan: Come quickly to help us who are assaulted by many temptations, and, as you know the weaknesses of each of us, let each one find you mighty to save; through Jesus Christ your Son our Lord, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, now and for ever.

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