Dear Christ Church,
This Hodgepodge Friday brings three topics together in our common church life that I want to tell you about.
Sacramental Giving
Many of us experience the blessing of automated regular giving through our online giving link, but we miss the worship moment of tangibly putting something into the offering plate. As you enter the sanctuary, be sure to pick up one of the wooden coins located near each entrance. For those of you who give online, this is a great way for you (or kids) to participate in generosity in a physical, sacramental way.

Border Encounter
Have you considered sign up for our Border Encounter Trip in El Paso, June 20-22? This is a 3-day educational and immersive experience at the El Paso/Juarez border complex. Participants learn from pastors, border patrol officers, lawyers, and people who serve in shelters along both sides of the border. This is a deeply spiritual and formative trip and one I’ve personally benefited from. You can find more information and sign up here.
Mothers Day
Finally, Mother’s Day falls this Sunday. For some this is a moment of joy, for others, there are lingering pains associated with motherhood. This prayer asks for a blessing over all types of mothers this Mother’s Day:
Loving God, thank you for the divine blessing of motherhood in all its diverse forms. We pray for all the mothers among us; for our own mothers, those living and those who have passed away; for the mothers that loved us and those who fell short; for the mothers who feel like they fall short; for all who hope to be mothers and for those whose hope has been frustrated; for all mothers who have lost children; and for all those who have become spiritual mothers. Comfort those who grieve this day; strengthen those who fight to have children; and be near those who are lonely and afraid. May the love of Christ be present in every home, and your church have eyes to see and ears to hear the needs of all who come. In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit we pray. Amen.