Generosity & Celebration Sunday – Adam Hull

Dear Christ Church,

Two years ago, I left a non-profit board and accepted the Vestry’s invitation to be Christ Church’s Treasurer. I made this decision because I love Christ Church and am intimately aware of the role money plays in all of our lives through the work I’m called to do. Throughout my tenure as Treasurer, it has been an honor and an exciting adventure to help our church steward its resources.

As Fr. Matt mentioned last week, we will be joining one another this Sunday in our parish’s annual practice of bringing forth pledge cards to the altar. Money provides us some level of power in the world and this annual tradition helps us push back on the worldly temptations of comfort and idolatry…a communal act of surrender. It’s beautiful. Below are a couple resources that have impacted me (and Corrie) as it relates to money and generosity.

Tim Keller – The Gospel, Grace, and Giving (video)
Andy Crouch – God and Mammon (podcast)

Before Sunday’s service, I encourage you to pray with those you live with, ask the Lord how to respond to the pledge, fill out the card, and bring it to the altar with your fellow parishioners on Sunday morning. This is a beautiful act of faith, and I look forward to approaching the altar alongside you on Sunday.



P.S. If you have any specific questions around giving – feel free to reach out to me via email –

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