Faith and Vocation
As God’s image bearers, we were put on the earth to love God and creation – especially other people – and to be loved by God in community with Father, Son and Holy Spirit. When we chose sin instead of God, we brought hardship into this good and joyful purpose. But God is at work to restore and redeem all brokenness, and he has called us to join him in this work. The calling is to create, heal, enliven, organize, plant, fix, cultivate, architect, strategize, love, redeem (and many other things), and that means that there are millions of unique ways God calls us to participate in his work.
As followers of Jesus, we know that our common purpose is to love God and love others. We also know that God has specific work for each of us individually to do in the world – work that only we can do. That work includes worship, prayer, and evangelism, but also includes washing dishes, writing code, and trimming trees.
Vocational Formation
What does it look like to live as a disciple in the daily, ordinary spaces of our lives as well as the extraordinary ones? Vocational Formation helps us answer these questions. We seek to understand what God is doing in us, our current season and setting, and then to become more faithfully present to what God is doing in the world around us each moment of our lives.
We at Christ Church are a vibrant community of people shaped in many different ways and placed by God in a variety of settings. We desire to know God in those settings and love him and others there, whether “there” is in our kitchen, a spreadsheet, a lawn, a classroom, or an air conditioning duct. Because of this, we are going on a journey of Vocational Formation in the upcoming season. We desire to learn from God and each other and to commission each other into the work God has for us in our various lives.
So what is Vocational Formation exactly? It is learning to understand our purpose in light of the Gospel and the identity God has given us. Spiritual Formation helps us understand our common purpose. Vocational Formation helps us focus in on our individual calling at this moment in time.
“By God’s grace and the power of the Holy Spirit we are being transformed into the image of Christ, learning to walk daily in God’s company and orient every arena of our lives around our King and His kingdom. Our vocation is to see all of life aligned for the praise of God’s glory and the for the sake of others.”
Our Vocation is the way we are specifically called, shaped and gifted to love God and others in a given season of life and work.
It is our desire that every unique image bearer of God at Christ Church would understand better God’s work in their current setting, know their own vocation, and be supported, connected, and commissioned in that vocation.