Community Life

People of Changed Lives

Small Groups are an essential part of the Christ Church family, as they provide a place where we can become people of changed lives. In small groups we are known, loved, and encouraged to grow in our journey of faith as we “spur one another on toward love and good deeds.”

Small groups function as a microcosm of life within Christ Church; a place where we can come to know God’s love and grace revealed in Jesus Christ and practice sharing that love and grace with others. We believe this happens best as we focus on four habits of healthy small groups: praying together, learning together, serving together, and resting together. That we do these things together is vital; in our small groups, no one stands alone. Together we help one another grow in our understanding and love of God and of others.

With over a dozen groups meeting in all corners of Austin, we are confident that everyone at Christ Church can find deep and meaningful connection and community within our small groups.

2022-2023 small group leaders
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