Character and Calling – Bill Walker

This week’s E-News is guest-written by Bill Walker.

Dear Christ Church,


Perhaps you’ve heard it said that God doesn’t call the equipped but rather equips the called. There is truth and biblical basis to this! God does indeed call and use even the most ordinary and unexpected people to accomplish his mission in the world.

At the same time, this does not mean that we get a pass on the long and slow work of growing into mature character. Christians are certainly not immune to letting our apparent gifts and callings get the best of us.  Things like ability and passion in life tend to be the first things we notice — so much so that they can lead us to focus primarily on managing appearances and performance rather than fostering integrity and humility.

One doesn’t have to be a Christian to recognize that who we are is more important than anything we say or do. When we forget this, even a genuine calling from the Lord can be taken for granted or squandered. Each of our vocations must be supported and sustained by a life that’s grounded in a community and set of practices intended to shape us into Christ’s likeness.

This is why we’re offering an intensive course next month on this very topic. Character and calling are inseparable, and we’ll be taking a closer look at how and why. I invite you to join us for a time of retreat, learning, practice, and further vocational discovery! Details and registration can be found here.


In faith,



P.S. This Sunday during the 11am service, we have a ratification vote for our vestry candidates, Clay Davis and Amy McLaughlin!

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