Annual Parish Meeting

This week’s guest post is by Adam Hull, Christ Church parishioner and Treasurer

Hi Church Family!

Who likes going to meetings? How about talking to your spouse/parents/siblings about money? If you’re like most people, one or both aren’t in your top 5 favorite things to do. Vocationally, I have the privilege of getting to talk with families about money every day, and I know that money is an important conversation many resist. I’ve been there in my own marriage and family…you’re not alone!

Why do we resist the conversation? I think, mostly, because money is feedback. Feedback about good decisions and ones we’d prefer we didn’t make. With the latter, those yucky feelings like shame, guilt, anger, etc. tend to follow. So, money tends to be a topic pregnant with emotions. As I’ve seen in my own life, our Heavenly Father is gracious in this arena too – thanks be to God!

So…let’s have a meeting about our church family finances! We’re gathering this Sunday between services at 10:15am for 30-40 minutes. Whether you are new to the family or have been here forever, we want you there. You are family and it’s good and healthy for us to talk about our family’s finances. Spoiler alert – this will be a fun conversation, digestible for all, and it’s pregnant with good emotions. We’ll also dive into some other numbers around how many are in the family!

I genuinely hope you’ll join us because we only do this once a year. There are a lot of moving parts to our church family, and it’ll be fun to share this part with you!


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