Baptism & Eucharist
For Christians, baptism is the sign of belonging to Jesus and to His church, a rich symbol that signals a Christian’s status as one washed from sin, adopted as God's own children, made members of God's holy church, and raised to the new life of grace.
Baptism is held at Christ Church; we hold baptism services several times a year. There is a preparation process involved with both infant baptism and baptism following a confession of belief. If you or your children are interested in being baptized, or if you would like to have your infant be baptized, please contact our office for more information.

For Christians, the Communion meal (also called the Lord’s Supper or the Eucharist) is the signature celebratory feast. An adaptation of the Jewish Passover, Eucharist has been shared amongst Christians since the earliest days of Jesus’ resurrection. When we celebrate the feast we enjoy fellowship with the risen Lord Jesus who stands as our host to offer forgiveness, healing, and life; even our posture of receiving and being fed reflects his grace freely given. We also enjoy fellowship with one another, participating together in the reconciling grace of God. In most times and places throughout Christian history (and indeed in many places in our day) people of different societal classes sharing a common meal would be scandalously counter-cultural.
All who have been baptized in the Name of the Father, Son, & Holy Spirit are welcome to join us at the Lord's Table for Holy Eucharist. Simply come forward as directed by an usher, and cup your hands to receive the elements. Listen carefully to the words the chalice bearers say to you as they serve you the bread and the wine, and respond with “Amen”—an ancient response of heartfelt assent. You can either eat the bread and then drink from the common cup, or you can dip your piece of the bread into the cup. If you do not wish to receive Holy Communion, but desire a blessing, please come forward and cross your arms over your chest.