Feast of the Epiphany

Dear Christ Church,

Today is the Feast of the Epiphany. Though God long ago had promised that His people would be a light to all peoples and a blessing to all nations, the story of Jesus’ birth remained an “in-house” affair. Up to this point all the characters have been Israelites. Matthew records the story of how that changed when three sojourners from the east heard about the birth of Jesus and traveled far, bearing gifts, to meet him.

Three men called the Magi became the first Gentiles to encounter Jesus, the Light of the world. The word “epiphany” means “revelation.” God revealed himself to these representatives from the nations, launching the global and historic world-changing mission of Jesus Christ.

Christ Church, our mission is both local and global; it requires us to be faithful in our proclamation, demonstration, and vocation. As we are truly the broken body of Christ, a living sacrament in the world, Jesus is made known. The Light of the world shatters the darkness. We have been honored with an invitation to be an epiphany of Christ to the nations, to participate in making all things new, one year at a time, one life, one community, one step of joyful obedience at a time.

Lastly, we are calling Advent/Epiphany/Lent a “Season of Shalom.” Our Advent sermon series called us to be Tenders of the Garden (keep sharing your species spottings with us on the Courtyard whiteboards!). Our next sermon series, starting in a couple of weeks, is “Becoming Builders of Unity.” Join us this Sunday to celebrate the Feast of the Epiphany!



P.S. Check this out! . . . take 3 minutes and listen to T. S. Eliot read his Epiphany poem, Journey of the Magi.

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