Was Ever Grief Like Mine?

Dear Christ Church,

George Herbert is a 17th century poet and Anglican priest who brings us before Jesus in the last hours of his earthly life. His poem “The Sacrifice” slows us down as we witness the last hours of our Savior’s life. The poem is written from Christ’s perspective during the Passion; we hear him speaking to us from the cross blending together historical realities with theological truths.

Here is an excerpt from his poem “The Sacrifice.” (You can read this full version of this poem here.)

They bow their knees to me, and cry, Hail King:
Whatever scoffs or scornfulness can bring,
I am the floor, the sink, where they it fling:
Was ever grief like mine?…

Oh all ye who pass by, behold and see;
Man stole the fruit, but I must climb the tree;
The tree of life to all, but only me:
Was ever grief like mine?…

Now heal thyself, Physician; now come down.
Alas! I did so, when I left my crown
And fathers smile for you, to feel his frown:
Was ever grief like mine?

The words of this poem transport me from thinking about the crucifixion to witnessing it. I am part of the crowd mocking and shouting “Crucify.” I walk outside the city gates gazing up at this man. I am a sinner, desperate for the mercy of God. And he is the Savior, the one who climbs the tree offering life to all in his death.

Join us tonight at 7 pm for our Good Friday service as several parishioners share vulnerably from their own sorrows and suffering, identifying with the seven last words of Jesus from the cross. Please note that some of the content of the personal testimonies may not be suitable for children and pre-teens (think of this as a PG-13 service). We will livestream the service for those who cannot attend in person but will not post or distribute the recording after this evening.

Easter Sunday we will worship at our usual worship times, 9 and 11am. Parents, as you make Sunday morning plans, our 11am nurseries often have extra space for little ones.

You can find all Good Friday and Easter Sunday service information here.


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