2024 Summer
Activities & Offerings
Every May I am surprised at the pace of Austin. The city expends its collective energy, wrapping up the school year, hosting graduation events for people of all ages, concluding work projects as employers prepare for summer vacations. Everyone seems to move with frenetic energy to complete projects, tasks, and deadlines, before Memorial Day.
Then summer arrives and the pace begins to change. The city takes a shared deep breath and slows down. School is out. Pools are open. And crowds gather under shade in parks or around the edges of Barton Springs moving with a steady ease.
The summer also brings a change of pace for our common life at church. Small groups take a break. Youth ministry changes from their weekly rhythms. Our programming intentionally slows down so that everyone at Christ Church — clergy, staff, laity — can take a deep breath. Following the rhythm of the season, there’s an intentional effort for our church to lie fallow (mostly), being restored from the spring, anticipating the exciting growth of the fall.
And still, there will be ways where we want to intentionally gather for community, for learning, for hospitality, especially as many new people continue to visit Christ Church during the summer. These summer offerings for June through August have been given careful thought respecting the season and pace of the summer.
If you’re newer to Christ Church, these summer offerings are great ways to begin entering the community. For long timers, these provide opportunities of going deeper with a different company of friends than you might otherwise connect with. I invite you into this summer season of breathing deeply and encourage you to join us as we continue resting in community.

The Anglican Way
June 1
A class for anyone interested in learning more about Anglicanism that also serves as a required course to confirmation.
Tesoros Bellos!
June 1
An evening of thoughtful art and performances by Christ Church artists benefitting our Guatemala mission. This is a free event. Please register at the link below so we know how much food to plan.
Celebration Sunday
June 9
An invitation in both services to participate in a tangible, embodied, response to the Lord's care and generosity toward us.
Middle School Movie Night
June 12
Middle school students are invited to a movie night with friends followed by a discussion. No registration required.
June 16
Bishop Brian will confirm those interested in joining the global Anglican church, praying for the Spirit's filling and empowerment.
Father Matt's Installation & Backyard Party
June 16 at 5:30pm
Bishop Todd will formally install Fr. Matt as rector of Christ Church in an evening ceremony, followed by a backyard party to celebrate!
High School Movie Night
June 19
High school students are invited to a movie night with friends followed by a discussion.
Christ Church Staff in Guatemala
June 22-28
Please pray for our staff as they spend the week serving at Potter's House in Guatemala.
Middle School Pool Party
July 12
Middle school students are invited to a day of fun and swimming with friends.
Young Adult Deep Dive
July 13
Young adults are invited to join for swimming, dinner, and a study of 1 John.
Rembrandt is in the Wind Book Study
July 14 & 28
A study of how art and beauty can help us see God, ourselves, and our world more clearly.
Creation Care Kids' Camp
July 15-18
A week of daily devotions, nature study, and play. Kinder through 5th grade is invited to delight in God as creator.
Compassion & Conviction Book Study
July 16, 23, August 6
Justin Giboney lays out the biblical case for political engagement and helps us navigate politics with integrity.
High School Pool Party
July 19
High school students are invited to a day of fun and swimming with friends.
July 21
A sung evening prayer service from the Book of Common Prayer designed to lead toward reflection and renewal.
High School Summer Retreat
August 2–4
All highschoolers are invited to spend an end of summer weekend out of town to recenter their hearts on God’s Word, reconnect with friends, and disconnect from technology and the beginning of year noise.
Promotion Sunday & Backpack Blessing
August 18
All nursery and Kids' Quest grades will move up and we will celebrate the beginning of the school year. Kids are invited to bring their backpack for a special blessing.
Newcomers' Dinner
August 24
If you are new to Christ Church we invite you to learn more about us over a meal with church leadership.
Fall Kick Off
August 25
A fun moment for our community to explore opportunities to engage in the life of the church this fall.