Phaedra Jean Taylor

Christ Church Austin is a community called to be a people of changed lives in the heart of our city, mending our world for the praise of God’s glory.

SUNDAY WORSHIP 9:00 am & 11:00 am

Join us on Sunday mornings at 112 Medina Street in Austin.
The 11:00 am service is also livestreamed.

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Austin Marathon Route

Sunday, February 16 is the Austin Marathon. Due to a significant amount of street closures, we encourage you to plan your route to church and allow ample time to find parking as much of the street parking in our area will not be available. Click here to view a map of the route in the East Cesar Chavez neighborhood as well as see suggested routes to take into church.

Guatemala Trip + Info Meeting

It gives us great joy to offer our Guatemala mission trip once again this year: an intergenerational trip where we get to work with some of the most marginalized families in Guatemala in mid-to-late June. This will be a mission trip that is accessible and meaningful for intergenerational participants. Adults, children (at least 6 years old), seniors, married couples and singles are all welcome and needed! Please visit this page for more information about the trips including applications. Join us Sunday, February 2nd, in the sanctuary directly after second service for an informational meeting.

Lunch with the Goers

Sunday, February 16, directly after second service. We are looking forward to welcoming Chris and Jennifer Goer, who lead an Anglican church and ministry in the Dallas Fort Worth area for a special Lunch and Learn. The Goers will share their story and speak in depth regarding hope amidst and after sexual sin. This is a judgement free, warm space to listen, learn, or ask anonymous questions. Bring your lunch and join us in the Parish Hall.

Anglican Spirituality with the Book of Common Prayer

Sunday, February 23. In the Anglican tradition, our prayer and worship is set out in the Book of Common Prayer, which gives order to our lives in a daily pattern of prayer and reading of Scripture and a pattern of public worship around Scripture and Sacrament. This class will be a primer for using the Book of Common Prayer (BCP) as a resource for your own spirituality. Please register by Friday, February 21st.

Upcoming Events

Faithful Works Conference

February 21–22

More information

Kairos Serve Day

February 22

More information

Young Adult Progressive Dinner

Saturday, March 1

More information

Hiring: Associate Rector

More Information

Save the Date: Women's Retreat

May 23–25

More information to come


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